students posing with wooden signs with principal and teacher

When Assistant Principal, Mr. Jose Luis Perez approached Mr. Alex Moreno with an idea, the construction teacher knew it was an opportunity to help school culture. Mr. Perez had the idea of students creating hallway signs out of wood to help improve the aesthetics of the halls at JLHS. Mr. Moreno worked with his students to measure and determine the perfect size for the signs. 

Once the blank wooden frames were complete, Mr. Carlos Garza, technology teacher and his video game design students put their graphic design skills to work. As Mr. Garza mentioned, “part of the video game design process is graphic design”. They then used a Dremel Digilab Leser Cutter, provided by the Technology Department, to engrave the image. Each sign is designed with the Juarez-Lincoln High School logo along with the classroom numbers for each hallway. 

JLHS Principal, Mr. J. Peña could not be more satisfied.