collage of 5 girls posing in red shirts, words Lady Husky Powerlifting above the pictures

The Husky girls powerlifting team has achieved remarkable accomplishments, showcasing their strength, determination, and dedication. Individually, the girls on the powerlifting team have made significant strides in their personal records and overall performance. They continuously push their limits, setting and surpassing their own goals, and inspiring others with their progress. The girls' powerlifting team serves as inspirational role models for other aspiring female athletes. Through their achievements, they break down barriers and stereotypes, encouraging more girls to participate in powerlifting and pursue their athletic dreams. The accomplishments of the girls' powerlifting team demonstrate their outstanding talent, hard work, and resilience. They have proven that gender is no barrier to success in powerlifting and have paved the way for future generations of strong, empowered female athletes. These girls are on the road to STATE!!!! If you are interested in being a part of this sisterhood and establishing a new tradition of champions, please contact Coach Tamez and Coach Melendez.